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예슈아 하마쉬아흐/진리의 검

정치적 변화가 오고 있다

by 파란앗싸 2022. 2. 6.




Political Change Is Coming - Lynne Johnson - 444 Prophecy News

Political Change Is Coming February 5, 2022 3:32 PM Lynne Johnson Word (3) received December 16th, 2021 at 12:55 PM Your King Yeshuya wants you to know that change is coming to your political systems. Be ready for all that this will entail for you. Some ch





정치적 변화가 오고 있다


린 존슨-2022년 2월 5일 오후 3시 32분


2021년 12월 16일 오후 12시 55분에 받은 말씀(3)



너희의 왕 예슈아는 너희의 정치 시스템에 변화가 오고 있다는 것을 너희가 알기를 원한다.


이것이 너희에게 수반될 모든 것에 대비하라.


일부 변경 사항은 좋은 것이지만 대부분은 보기에 좋아 보여도 공익을 위한 것이 아니다. 


이것에 주의하라.


대부분의 정부가 네피림에 의해 통제되고 있음을 기억하라.


타락한 자들의 궁극적인 계획은 지상의 모든 인류를 노예로 만든 다음 멸망시키는 것이다. 


사악한 자와 그의 부하의 거짓말을 믿는 많은 사람들은 그들이 참으로 잘못 선택했다는 것을 곧 알게 될 것이다. 


많은 사람들이 이미 지옥에서 깨어나 자신의 잘못을 너무 늦게 깨달았다.


정부가 말하는 것을 믿지 마라.


소위 '100.신.'이 너희를 보호할 것이라고 대중에게 말한 속임수를 생각해 보라.


많은 사람들이 이 노골적인 거짓말에 빠져 결과적으로 이 속임수에 영혼을 잃었다. 


다가오는 거대한 속임수은 '100.신.'보다 훨씬 더 강력하다!


나의 자녀들아, 날마다 내 말씀 안에 있고, 날마다 내게 기도하고, 너희 질문에 대한 답과 이해를 위해 나에게 직접 오라.


만일 너희가 날마다 내 말씀 안에 있지 않다면, 이것은 매우 강력한 속임수이기 때문에 투쟁하고 넘어질 것임을 이해하라. 


준비하라 나의 자녀들아.


너희의 왕 예슈아, 구속주, 메시아, 신랑



이욥(욥기) 12장 24절

그가 그 땅의 백성 우두머리들의 마음을 치우치게 하셔서 길이 없는 황무지에서 방황하게 하시니


이욥(욥기) 17장 4절

그들의 마음을 당신께서 분별력으로부터 닫으셨습니다. 그러므로 당신께서 그들을 높이지 않으실 것입니다.


로마 성도들에게(로마서) 13장 11절

이 외에도 여러분이 때를 아니 이제 잠에서 일으켜질 때가 되었습니다.

참으로 우리가 처음 믿었을 때보다 구원이 더 가까워졌습니다.


마타이(마태복음) 13장 11절

그가 대답하여 그들에게 말씀하셨다.

"이는 하늘 왕국의 비밀을 아는 것이 너희에게 허락되었으나 그들에게는 허락되지 않았기 때문이다.


코린토 성도들에게(상)(고린도전서) 1장 20절

지혜자가 어디 있습니까? 학자가 어디 있습니까? 이 세상의 변론가가 어디 있습니까? 

하나님께서 세상의 지혜를 어리석게 만드신 것이 아닙니까?


이욥(욥기) 17장 12절

밤을 낮으로 삼고 빛이 어둠 앞에서 가깝다고 한다.


예샤야(이사야) 6장 10절

이 백성이 마음을 둔하게 하고 백성의 귀를 무겁게 하며 그의 눈을 감겨서 이 백성이 자기 눈으로 보고 자기 귀로 듣고 

자기 마음으로 깨닫고 돌아와 낫게 되지 않도록 하여라."


잠언 2장 10절~12절

지혜가 네 마음속으로 들어가고 지식이 네 영혼을 즐겁게 할 때 판단력이 너를 지키며 명철이 너를 지키리니

너를 악한 자의 길에서 구하고 패역한 말을 하는 사람에게서 구하고


잠언 2장 22절

악인들은 땅에서 끊어지고 배신자들은 그곳에서 뽑힐 것이기 때문이다.


찬양들 (시편)37장 20절

(카프)이는 악인들의 망하고 (YHUH)יהוה의 원수들이 기름진 초원처럼 망하여 사라지리니 연기처럼 사라질 것이기 때문이다.



<<아래 링크는 네이버 웨일 파파고와 구글 페이지 번역을 활용하셔서 각자 읽어보세요.

이 분께서 남기신 링크입니다. 샬롬.>>




THE NEPHILIM CONTROL YOUR GOVERNMENT - Lynne Johnson - 444 Prophecy News

THE NEPHILIM CONTROL YOUR GOVERNMENT June 17, 2021 2:34 PM Lynne Johnson Word received April 29th, 2021 at 6:14 PM My Children, I AM wants you to know that things are not as they may appear to be. I want you to understand that there are dark forces working






Aliens in The White House: Total Darkness and Wormwood - Michelle Katherine Orts - 444 Prophecy News

Aliens in The White House: Total Darkness and Wormwood February 5, 2022 3:28 PM Michelle Katherine Orts TurtleDoveSongs.com Saturday, February 5th, 2022 Prophetic Dream received 5:30PM CST #USA continued Holy Spirit Insight/Revelation Received thru Februar





NEPHILIM - Daley - 444 Prophecy News

NEPHILIM March 13, 2021 7:22 AM Daley Dream 06 November 2020 In the dream I was walking past the television and saw that the news was on. I then stood in front of the tv to listen. While the news presenter was talking, my attention was drawn to his desk wh




Political Change Is Coming




Word (3) received December 16th, 2021 at 12:55 PM

Your King Yeshuya wants you to know that change is coming to your political systems. Be ready for all that this will entail for you. Some changes are for good but most even if they look good, will not be for the public’s best interest. Be aware of this. Remember the majority of your governments are controlled by the Nephilim. The fallen ones ultimate plan is to enslave and then destroy all humanity on earth. Many who believe the evil one and his minion’s lies will find out soon enough that they chose poorly indeed. Many have already woken up in Hell and realized their error too late. Do not believe what your governments tell you. Think of the deceit in which they told the public that the so-called ‘vaccines’ would protect you. Many fell for this blatant lie and consequently lost their souls to this deception. The coming Great Deception is far more compelling than the one of the ‘vaccines’! Be in MY Word, MY Children daily, pray to ME daily and come directly to ME for answers, understanding to your questions. Understand that if you are not in MY Word daily, you will struggle and will fall as this is a very compelling deception. Be prepared MY Children.



Job 12:24 nkjv
“He takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, And makes them wander in a pathless wilderness.”


Job 17:4 nkjv
“For You have hidden their heart from understanding; Therefore You will not exalt them.”


Romans 13:11 nkjv
“Just as it is written: “God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see
And ears that they should not hear, To this very day.”


Matthew 13:11 nkjv
“He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.”


1 Corinthians 1:20 nkjv
“Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?”


Job 17:12 nkjv
“They change the night into day;
‘The light is near,’ they say, in the face of darkness.”


Isaiah 6:10 nkjv
“Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”


Proverbs 2:11-12 nkjv
“Discretion will preserve you;
Understanding will keep you,
To deliver you from the way of evil,
From the man who speaks perverse things,”


Proverbs 2:22 nkjv
“But the wicked will be cut off from the earth,
And the unfaithful will be uprooted from it.”


Psalm 37:20 nkjv
“But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the LORD,
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
Into smoke they shall vanish away.”

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To Help Awaken the Lost - Lynne Johnson - 444 Prophecy News To Help Awaken the Lost February 5, 2022 3:32 PM Lynne Johnson Word (2) received December 16th, 2021 at 10:55 AM Your King Yeshuya wants..



