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나의 자녀들아, 죽음의 수용소에서 멀리 떨어져라

by 파란앗싸 2022. 2. 6.





My Children, Stay Away From Their Death Camps - Brian Ethier - 444 Prophecy News

My Children, Stay Away From Their Death Camps February 5, 2022 9:12 AM Brian Ethier They will offer you shelter, promise you food and warm clothing and total security, As they take you to cramped quarters or bring you to one of their prison camps directly;





나의 자녀들아, 죽음의 수용소에서 멀리 떨어져라


브라이언 에티어-2022년 2월 5일 오전 9:12



그들은 너희에게 피난처를 제공하고 음식과 따뜻한 옷과 완전한 안전을 약속할 것이다.


그들이 너희를 비좁은 숙소로 데려가거나 그들의 포로 수용소 중 한 곳으로 직접 데려갈 때;


정부 기관이 제공하는 모든 지원에 동의하지 마라.

들어갈 수는 있지만 결코 나갈 수 없으며 탈출에 대한 모든 희망은 헛된 것으로 끝날 것이다.


악한 자들은 너희가 따르기를 간절히 바라고 모든 것을 계획하고 있다.

그리고 그들은 너희를 도우려는 의도가 아니라 너희가 죽을 수 있는 여러 가지 방법만 있을 뿐이다.

심판의 때에 이런 멸망과 슬픔과 괴로움과 고통이 이르리니

그리고 악을 행하는 사람들을 믿고 신뢰하는 것은 항상 헛된 것이다.




전능자이신 너희 아버지 야후아의 모든 경고에 주의를 기울이라.

그들의 흰색 버스와 족쇄가 달린 기차가 너희를 운명으로 데려다 줄 것이다.

내 말씀을 읽고, 준비하고, 자주 기도하고, 찬양하고, 내 음성을 듣고, 등불에 기름을 붓고,
그리고 나의 자녀들아, 나의 자녀들아, 그들의 죽음의 수용소에서 멀리 떨어져 있으라.


너희가 그들의 열린 문으로 들어갈 때에 마음이 가라앉을 것이요

철조망, 총을 든 경비원, 높은 탑이 모두 너희의 운명을 기다리고 있다.

그리고 그들이 조금이라도 준다면 그들의 음식은 독이 될 것이다.

그리고 너희의 의지가 무너지기 시작할 때 많은 위안이나 평화는 없을 것이다.




내 말씀을 읽고, 준비하고, 자주 기도하고, 찬양하고, 내 음성을 듣고, 등불에 기름을 붓고,
그리고 나의 자녀들아, 


내 자녀들아, 멀리 떨어져라, 


멀리 떨어져라,

그들의 죽음의 수용소에서 멀리 떨어져라!



My Children, Stay Away From Their Death Camps





They will offer you shelter, promise you food and warm clothing and total security,
As they take you to cramped quarters or bring you to one of their prison camps directly;
Never agree to go along with any help offered by any government agency,
For you will get in but you will never get out, all hope of escape will end in futility.

The evil ones have it all planned out just eager for you to comply,
And they have no intention of helping you but only many ways for you to die;
For the time of judgments will bring such destruction, sorrow, anguish and pain,
And to believe and trust in those working with wickedness will always be in vain.


Take heed to all the warnings of Your Father Yahuah The Almighty,
Of their white buses and trains with shackles to transport you to your destiny;
Read My Word, prepare, pray often, sing praises, listen to My voice, put oil in your lamps,
And My children, My children, stay away from their death camps.

For your heart will sink when you enter through their open gate,
And see the barbed wire, the guards with guns, the high towers all awaiting your fate;
And their food will be poisoned if they give any at all,
And there will not be much comfort or peace as your will begins to fall.


Read My Word, prepare, pray often, sing praises, listen to My voice, put oil in your lamps,
And My children, My children, stay away, stay away,
Stay away from their death camps!







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