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예슈아 하마쉬아흐/진리의 검

집을 정돈하세요: 2부

by 파란앗싸 2022. 2. 5.





PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER: PART 2 - My Hiding Place - 444 Prophecy News

PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER: PART 2 February 5, 2022 2:54 AM MY HIDING PLACE youtube.com/watch?v=eMOjQ0o6ypA Shared Feb.16, 2021 Dear brothers and sisters, As I meditated on the ‘PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER’ prophetic word, our Heavenly Father completely blew







집을 정돈하세요: 2부


나의 은신처-2022년 2월 5일 오전 2시 54분


2021년 2월 16일 공유



사랑하는 형제 자매 여러분,


내가 '집에 질서를 잡으라'는 예언의 말씀을 묵상하고 있을 때, 우리 하나님 아버지께서는 이 놀라운 계시로 내 마음을 완전히 사로잡으셨습니다.


이 메시지가 성령께서 의도하신 방식으로 여러분에게 도달하여 저에게 용기를 준 만큼 여러분에게도 용기를 주기를 바랍니다.


이 말씀에서 성령은 우리를 여행으로 인도하시고 우리 사이에 평행선을 그리실 것입니다. 


성령의 성전과 솔로몬 왕이 주님을 위해 지은 물리적 성전입니다.


나는 성령님의 지시와 계시, 그리고 유대 성전의 다양한 구성요소를 분석하고 그것들이 우리와 어떤 관련이 있는지 연구하기 위해 역대하 3장으로 돌아가도록 지시하신 성령께 감사드립니다.


코린토 성도들에게(상)(고린도전서) 6장 19절​

또 여러분의 몸은 여러분의 하나님께로부터 받은 성령이 여러분 안에 거하시는 성전이라는 것을 알지 못합니까?

여러분은 여러분 자신의 것이 아닙니다.


사도들의 일들(사도행전) 7장 48~49절

지극히 높으신 분께서는 사람 손으로 만든 곳에 거하지 않으시니 예언자가 '하늘이 내 보좌요 땅이 내 발등상인데 너희가 나를 위하여 어떤 집을 짓겠으며, (YHUH)יהוה가 말한다, 또 내가 쉴 곳이 어디에 있겠느냐?


주님의 임재가 사람의 손으로 지은 성전이 아니라 우리 안에 거하신다는 사실을 찬양하십시오!


그러나 다윗 왕이 성전 건축의 여러 면을 세심하게 설계한 것처럼 우리도 이와 같이 지극히 거룩하신 하나님이 거하시는 영적 성전 건축에 특별한 주의를 기울일 필요가 있습니다.


하나님의 마음에 합한 마음을 가진 다윗 왕은 자기 신하들을 불러 세세한 일을 지시하는 일이 없었습니다.


그는 성전에 필요한 다양한 물품의 무게를 지정하는 데 시간을 보냈습니다. 


그는 그 땅에서 가장 숙련된 장인들을 고용했고, 그의 아들 솔로몬이 이 일에 필요한 것이 무엇인지 완전히 이해하도록 했습니다.


마찬가지로, 형제 자매 여러분, 우리는 이 프로젝트를 마음에 새기고 성령이 우리 안에서 일하시도록 하고 주님의 임재에 합당한 영적 성전을 성취하도록 인도할 수 있는 적절한 자세를 취해야 합니다.


성전을 구성하는 요소에 대한 설명은 역대하 3장을 참조하십시오: 


타작마당, 현관, 여러 가지 금으로 입힌 물품, 보석, 조각된 그룹들, 지성소, 조각된 그룹들, 휘장 패널 그리고 두 개의 거대한 기둥.


1절에서 우리는 솔로몬 왕의 성전이 아라우나의 타작마당에 건축되었음을 알 수 있습니다.


타작마당은 모인 곡식을 깔아 놓고 당나귀에게 짓밟혀 딱딱한 껍질이 곡식에서 분리되는 곳이었습니다.


이 과정의 구체적인 내용은 제가 발표한 '하나님의 영광스러운 종말의 교회'라는 제목의 과거 예언서에서 확인할 수 있습니다.


우리의 영적 성전에서 이 타작 마당은 상하고 연약한 곳을 나타냅니다.


우리가 이 겸손한 위치에 있을 때, 성령께서 우리를 패배의 상태에서, 짓밟힌 상태에서 주님의 걸작품으로 만들기 위해 회복 역사를 시작하실 수 있는 온전한 터를 찾으십니다.


우리가 벽에 등을 기대고 있을 때, 말하자면 가장 큰 교훈을 배우고 예수님 외에는 아무 것도 중요하지 않다는 것을 깨닫게 됩니다. 


오직 그분만이 우리에게 참된 평화, 희망, 사랑, 연민, 은혜, 기쁨을 주실 수 있기 때문입니다. 


'아라우나'가 '기쁨의 외침'을 의미한다는 사실에 주목하는 것이 흥미롭습니다.


우리 삶의 폭풍우를 겪을 때 우리는 패배하고 부서진 기분이 들지만, 예수님 덕분에 우리가 그 상태에서 벗어나면 주님의 신실하심이 결코 끝나지 않음을 간증할 때 주님께 '기쁨의 부르짖음'을 높일 수 있습니다.


4절에서 현관은 성전을 둘러싼 외부 구조물의 일부였습니다.


우리는 이것을 우리의 외부 자아로 해석할 수 있습니다. 


우리는 우리의 육신이 성령을 거하는 것처럼 돌보라는 지시를 받았습니다.


우리는 또한 질투, 야망, 분쟁, 근심, 불성실, 분노, 분개, 미움으로부터 마음을 부지런히 지켜야 합니다. 


우리는 그리스도의 성품과 그의 의로 옷 입어야 합니다.


그리스도의 성품 곧 그의 온유와 은혜와 사랑과 오래 참음과 이타심이 없는 것을 상속받아 이 어두운 세상에 빛을 비추어 주옵소서. 


우리 자신에게 물어봅시다. 


사람들은 우리를 볼 때 무엇을 보는가?


우리는 그리스도의 사랑을 묘사하고 있습니까? 


우리는 성령의 열매를 비추고 있습니까?


다음은 파르바임의 순금입니다.


솔로몬 왕은 성전 안의 천정 들보와 문틀과 벽과 문을 모두 순금으로 꾸몄습니다(5절).


힘들고 짓누르는 계절을 통해 우리는 영적 성전의 내부가 순결, 거룩함, 거룩함으로 입혀짐에 따라 순금으로 변화되고 정련됩니다. 


쾌락을 없애는 데 도움을 주신 성령님께 감사드립니다.


이 세상과 경건한 표준을 높임으로써.


우리를 육신의 생활에서 영의 인도하심을 받는 생활로 옮기기 때문입니다. 


성령의 음성이 어떤 것인지 잘 모르겠다면 은밀한 곳에서 주님과 함께 시간을 보내며 주님의 얼굴을 찾으시기 바랍니다.


주님께 당신의 임재를 가시적인 방법으로 나타내시고 그분의 영과 계시와 경건한 지혜로 당신을 채우시도록 구하십시오. 


당신을 위해 기도해 줄 누군가가 필요하다고 느낀다면 그리스도 안에 있는 형제 자매들에게 손을 내밀어 보십시오.


우리는 속임수가 너무 많고 더욱 악화될 시대에 살고 있습니다.


그러므로 원수의 거짓과 진리를 분별하는 성령의 속삭임을 받는 것이 중요합니다.


6절은 성전을 단장한 보석에 대해 알려줍니다.


우리가 입어야 할 단장은 우리를 통해 나타나는 성령의 열매입니다.


이것은 갈라디아서 5:22-23에 설명되어 있습니다. 


갈라티아 성도들에게(갈라디아서) 5장 22절~23절

영의 열매는 사랑과 기쁨과 평화와 오래 참음과 선과 인애와 신실함과 온유함과 절제니 이런 것들에 맞서는 토라는 없습니다.

ופרי הרוח אהבה שמחה ושלום ארך רוח ונדיבות וחסד ואמונה​

וענוה ופרישות אין תורה לנגד עשי אלה

ܦܐܪܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܪܘܚܐ ܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ ܚܘܒܐ ܚܕܘܬܐ ܫܠܡܐ ܡܓܪܬ ܪܘܚܐ ܒܤܝܡܘܬܐ ܛܒܘܬܐ ܗܝܡܢܘܬܐ ܀

ܡܟܝܟܘܬܐ ܡܤܝܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܥܠ ܗܠܝܢ ܢܡܘܤܐ ܠܐ ܤܝܡ ܀


그러나 성령의 열매는 사랑과 희락과 화평과 오래 참음과 자비와 양선과 충성과 온유와 절제니 우리가 하나님 아버지를 기쁘시게 하는 삶을 산다면 이 아름다운 보석들이 우리를 통해 빛날 것입니다.


주여, 우리에게 성령의 모든 은사를 넉넉히 갖추게 하소서.


솔로몬 왕은 성전 벽에 아름다운 그룹들을 새겼습니다(7절).


이 새겨지거나 새겨진 그룹은 우리 안에 있는 성령의 인을 나타냅니다.


이 인은 우리 주님과 모든 천군뿐만 아니라 사탄과 그의 마귀들에게도 보이고 인식됩니다.


그것은 우리가 어린 양의 보배로운 피로 사신 하나님의 자녀이며 그리스도와 함께 한 공동 상속자이며 따라서 예수님을 무덤에서 살리고 기적을 행할 수 있는 동일한 능력을 우리 안에 지니고 있음을 깨닫게 하는 방법입니다.




다음은 지성소입니다.


그곳은 대제사장들이 1년에 한 번 몸을 정결하게 하고 특별한 화려한 옷을 입은 후에만 갈 수 있는 가장 신성한 곳이었습니다.


주님의 영광이 거하시는 곳이기도 합니다.


들어가는 제사장이 거룩하지 않은 것으로 판명되면 그는 하나님의 임재와 거룩하심에 충격을 받았습니다. 


제사장들의 옷에는 밑단에 방울이 달려 있어서 제사장이 걸을 때 방울 소리로 제사장이 살아 있는지 사람들이 알 수 있었습니다. 


이것은 우리 영혼의 가장 깊은 부분, 우리의 마음과 우리 존재의 가장 깊은 부분으로서 주님만이 아실 것이라고 해석할 수 있습니다.


이것은 우리가 누구와도 공유한 적이 없는 우리의 비밀을 보관하는 장소일 수 있습니다.


그러나 우리는 다윗 왕이 그랬던 것처럼 주님의 거룩한 임재가 우리 마음과 동기를 살피고 순결하게 하도록 초대합니다.


지성소에는 600달란트에 해당하는 순금도 입혔습니다. 


'600'의 의미는 노아의 방주 이야기와 홍수의 해로 거슬러 올라갑니다.


홍수는 노아 시대에 일어난 새로운 시작에 대해 알려줍니다. 


마찬가지로, 이것은 우리가 처음으로 주님께서 우리를 변화시키고 영적 성전을 짓도록 허락하실 때 우리에게 '새로운 시작'으로 해석됩니다.


또한 지성소에는 조각된 2개의 그룹이 있었습니다. 


이 그룹들은 우리가 예수님을 영접할 때부터 완전히 그분의 형상으로 변화되는 그날까지 주님의 손으로 새긴 우리의 마음과 뜻을 나타내는 것이라고 믿습니다.


구주와의 관계가 깊어질수록 우리의 소망도 바뀝니다.


우리가 죄성/육신적/세속적인 본성을 더 많이 버릴수록 우리는 그리스도의 본성을 더 많이 받아들입니다.


그리고 우리가 더 이상 세상의 본을 따르지 않게 되면서 마음을 새롭게 함으로 변화를 받아 하나님의 선하시고 기뻐하시고 온전하신 뜻이 무엇인지 분별하게 됩니다. 로마서 12:2


로마 성도들에게(로마서)12장 2절

그리고 여러분은 이 세상을 본받지말고 오직 마음을 새롭게 하므로 변화되어 하나님의 선하시고 기뻐하시고 완전하신 뜻이 무엇인지 스스로 시험하도록 하십시오.


14절의 휘장 판은 고운 청색 자색 홍색 베실로 만들었습니다. 


아기 예수가 동방박사들에게 받은 선물처럼 이 색들은 신성(파랑/향), 왕권(보라/금), 희생(진홍/몰약)과 관련이 있습니다.


이 청색, 자주색, 진홍색의 가는 아마포는 우리가 이 지상에 있는 동안 그분이 우리에게 입히신 옷을 나타냅니다. 


그러나 우리가 영화롭게 된 몸으로 변화되면 그리스도의 의를 상징하는 흰옷을 받게 될 것입니다.


열왕기상 7장 21절은 성전 전면에 세워진 두 개의 거대한 기둥에 대해 알려줍니다. 


이들은 야긴과 보아스라 이름하여 여호와의 성전의 위대함과 웅장함을 자랑하였더라


야긴은 '그가 세우신다'는 뜻입니다. 


보아스는 '힘'을 의미합니다.


주님은 우리의 성전, 곧 그분이 거하시는 성전을 세우시는 분이시며 영원히 존속할 것임을 상기시키십니다.


그리고 우리의 가장 큰 도전을 이겨내고 예수의 강력한 이름으로 모든 것을 할 수 있게 하는 것은 그분의 힘뿐입니다.


이 의미를 알면 지극히 높으신 분의 날개 아래에서 위로와 안식처를 찾을 수 있습니다.


찬양들(시편)28장 7절

내 마음이 기뻐 뛴다. 그래서 내 노래로 내가 그에게 감사할 것이다.

יהוה עזי ומגני בו בטח לבי ונעזרתי ויעלז לבי ומשירי אהודנו



필맆포 성도들에게(빌립보서) 4장 13절

나는 내게 힘 주시는 분 안에서 모든 것을 할 수 있습니다.


주어진 성경을 읽어보면 다양한 구성 요소에 사용된 측정이 20 또는 그 배수(40 및 60)임을 알 수 있습니다.


성경에서 숫자 20은 완전함의 순환을 상징합니다.


우리 주님께서 계속해서 우리 안에서 일하시고 우리를 그분의 장엄한 성전으로 만드실 때, 우리의 눈이 왕을 바라볼 때 우리는 언젠가 완전함에 이르게 될 것임을 상기시킵니다.


예수님 감사합니다!!


마지막이자 가장 중요한 요점은 우리를 사랑하는 구주의 십자가에서의 희생으로 돌아갑니다.


예수께서 로마 군인들의 손에 가혹한 고난을 견디게 되었을 때. 그의 꺾인 몸은 타작마당이 되어 이타적인 행위로 우리에게 완전한 본보기가 되었습니다.


예수님을 모퉁잇돌이라고도 합니다. 


그는 하나님의 영원한 성전인 그리스도의 신부를 위해 놓은 첫 번째 돌이었습니다.


그런 다음, 우리가 살아 있는 돌인 우리가 그분의 왕국의 발전을 위한 그분의 일을 계속하면서 그분 위에 함께 쌓이게 됩니다.


페트로의 편지(상)(베드로전서) 2장 4절~6절

산 돌이신 그에게로 나아오십시오. 사람들에게는 거부를 당하셨지만 하나님께는 선택받은 귀한 돌이십니다. 

여러분도 산 돌들처럼 되어 신령한 집으로 지어지십시오. 

그래서 ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ예슈아 하마쉬아흐ישוע המשיח를 통하여 하나님께서 받으실 만한 영적인 희생제물을 

드리는 거룩한 제사장이 되십시오.

이는 성경에 '보라, 내가 귀한 돌 하나를 골라 모퉁잇돌로 찌욘에 두리니 그를 믿는 자는 결코 부끄럽게 되지 않을 것이다.'라는 말씀이 있기 때문입니다.


주님의 이름을 영원히 찬양합니다! 할렐루야!!








Shared Feb.16, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters,

As I meditated on the ‘PUT YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER’ prophetic word, our Heavenly Father completely blew my mind with this amazing revelation. I pray that this message reaches you in the manner the Holy Spirit has intended and that it will encourage you as much as it has encouraged me.

In this Word, the Holy Spirit will take us through a journey and draw a parallel between us -the temples of the Holy Spirit, and the physical temple King Solomon built for the Lord. I am thankful to the Holy Spirit for His direction and revelation and for His instruction to go back to 2 Chron.3 to analyze the various components of the Jewish temple and to study how they relate to us.


1 Cor. 6:19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?

Acts 7:48 However, the Most High does not live in houses made by men. As the prophet says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? Says the Lord.

Praise the Lord that His presence does not dwell in a temple that is constructed by human hands, but rather inside us! But just like King David adopted great care in laying out the various aspects of the temple building, we also, in the same manner, need to pay special attention to the building of our spiritual temples where the Most Holy God dwells. King David, who had a heart after God’s own heart, went out of his way by summoning his officials to instruct them on the particulars. He spent time designating the weight of each of the various articles needed for the temple. He hired the most skilled craftsmen in the land, and he ensured that his son Solomon had full understanding on what this endeavour was going to require. Likewise, brothers and sisters, we need to take this project to heart and position ourselves in an adequate manner to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, and to guide us in accomplishing spiritual temples that are worthy of the presence of the Lord.

Please refer to 2 Chronicles 3 for an account of the elements that composed the temple: the threshing floor, the portico, the various overlaid golden items, the precious stones, the carved cherubim, the Most Holy Place, the sculptured cherubim, the curtain panel and the two majestic pillars.

In verse 1, we learn that King Solomon’s temple was built on the threshing floor of Araunah. The threshing floor was a place where the grain, once collected, was laid and caused to be trampled by donkeys such that the hard husks would separate from the grain. You can read more about the specifics of this process in a past prophetic word I released entitled, ‘God’s Glorious End Time Church’. In our spiritual temples, this threshing floor represents a place of brokenness, of weakness. It is when we find ourselves in this humbling position, that the Holy Spirit finds the perfect ground to begin doing His work of restoration to take us from a state of defeat, trampled over to becoming the Lord’s masterpieces. It is when we are placed with our backs to the wall, sort of speak, that oftentimes we learn the biggest lessons and realize that NOTHING else matters except for Jesus. For only He can give us true peace, hope, love, compassion, grace, joy. Interesting to notice that ‘Araunah’ means ‘joyful cry’. Although when we are going through the storms in our lives we feel defeated and broken, thanks be to Jesus that once we come out of that state we can elevate a ‘joyful cry’ to the Lord as we attest that His faithfulness never ends.

The portico, in verse 4, was part of the external structure surrounding the temple. We can interpret this as our external selves. We are instructed to take care of our physical bodies as they house the Holy Spirit. We must also be diligent in guarding our hearts against jealousy, ambition, strife, anxiety, unfaithfulness, anger, resentment, hatred. We must clothe ourselves of Christ’s character and His righteousness. Inherit Christ’s nature, that is, His meekness, His grace, His love, His patience, His selflessness and shine forth His light in this dark world. Let us ask ourselves: What do people see when they see us? Do we portray the love of Christ? Do we shine forth the fruits of the Spirit?

Next, is the gold -pure gold from Parvaim. King Solomon made sure everything inside the temple was laid out with pure gold: the ceiling beams, the door frames, the walls and doors (verse 5). Through our pressing and crushing seasons, we are transformed and refined into pure gold as the interior of our spiritual temples are coated with purity, holiness, sanctity. Thank you, Holy Spirit for your assistance in stripping us of the pleasures of this world and by raising a godly standard. For taking us from a life lived in the flesh to one that is led by the Spirit. If you are not sure what the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds like, I invite you to spend time with the Lord in your secret place and to seek his face. Ask the Lord to manifest His presence to you in a tangible way and to fill you with His Spirit, His revelation, His godly wisdom. Reach out to brothers and sisters in Christ, if you feel you need someone to pray over you. We are living in a season where deception is so thick and it is only going to get worse. And so, it is essential for us to have the Holy Spirit’s prompting to discern the truth from the lies of the enemy.

Verse 6 tells us about the precious stones that adorned the temple. The adornments we should be wearing are the fruits of the Holy Spirit manifest through us. These are described in Galatians 5:22-23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These beautiful jewels will shine through us if we are living a life that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Lord, equip us in a copious manner of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

King Solomon had beautiful cherubim carved on the walls of the temple (verse 7). These carved or engraved cherubin represent the seal of the Holy Spirit in us. This seal is visible and recognized not only by our Lord and all the Heavenly Hosts, but also by Satan and his demons. It’s a way to make them aware that we are children of God, bought with the precious blood of the Lamb, co-heirs with Christ and therefore carry inside ourselves the same power that raised Jesus from the grave and that can operate miracles. Hallelujah!!

Next is the Most Holy Place. That was the most sacred of places which was only accessible by the High Priests once a year, after having purified themselves and dressed themselves with specialty ornate garments. This is also the place where the glory of the Lord resided. If the priest entering was found not to be holy, He was struck by the presence and the holiness of God. The priests’ garments had bells attached along the bottom hem so when the priest walked, people would know by the noise of the bells if the priest was alive. This may be interpreted as the deepest part of our soul, our heart and our being that only the Lord would know. This may be a place where we hold our secrets, things we have never shared with anyone. Yet, we invite the Holy presence of the Lord, like King David did, to search our hearts and our motives and to make them pure.

The Most Holy Place was also overlaid with pure gold which was equivalent to 600 talents. The significance of ‘600’, ties back to the story of Noah’s Ark and to the year of the flood. The flood tells us about a new beginning that occurred in the time of Noah. In the same manner, this translates into a ‘new beginning’ for us when we first allow the Lord to transform us and build our spiritual temples.

Additionally, the Most Holy Place had 2 sculpted cherubim. I believe these cherubim represent our heart and will that are chiseled by the hand of the Master from the time we accept Jesus until the day we are completely changed into His likeness. As our relationship with our Saviour deepens, our desires change. As we forsake more of the sinful/carnal/worldly nature we adopt more of Christ’s. And, as we no longer conform to the patterns of the world, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds so we are able to test and approve what God’s will is -His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

The curtain panel in verse14, was made of fine blue, purple and crimson linen. Just like the gifts baby Jesus received from the Wise Men, these colours are associated with divinity (blue/incense), kingship (purple/gold) and sacrifice (crimson/myrrh). The fine linen in these blue, purple and crimson colours represent the garments He’s clothing us while we here on earth. But, once we are changed into our glorified bodies we will receive white garments to symbolize Christ’s righteousness.

1 Kings 7:21 tells us about the 2 enormous pillars that were erected at the front of the temple, one on each side of the main entrance. These were named Jachin and Boaz and they boasted the greatness and the magnificence of the Lord’s temple. Jachin means ‘He establishes’. Whereas Boaz means ‘strength’. The Lord reminds us that it is He who establishes our temples, the ones He dwells in, which will last forever. And it is His strength alone that can carry us through our biggest challenges and allow us to do all things in Jesus’ mighty name. If we can grasp the meaning of this, we can find comfort and refuge under the wings of the Most High.


Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.


Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

If you read through the Scripture given, you will notice how the measurements used for the various components are either 20, or a multiple of it (40 and 60). The number 20 in the Bible symbolizes a cycle of completeness. As our Lord continues to work in us and making us into His magnificent temples, we are reminded that one day we will reach completeness when our eyes will behold the king. Thank you, Jesus!!

The last and most important point takes us back to our beloved Saviour’s sacrifice on the cross. When Jesus was made to endure atrocious sufferings at the hands of the Roman soldiers. His broken body became the threshing floor and set a perfect example for us through His selfless act. Jesus is also referred to as the Cornerstone. He was the first stone that was laid for God’s eternal temple, the Bride of Christ. Then, we, the Living Stones, are stacked together on Him as we continue His work for the advancement of His kingdom.


1 Peter 2:4-6 As you come to Him, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen and precious in God’s sight, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture: “See, I lay in Zion a stone, a chosen and precious cornerstone; and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”


May the name of the Lord be forever praised! Hallelujah!!





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