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예슈아 하마쉬아흐/진리의 검

대화하고 싶은 김일성!

by 파란앗싸 2022. 2. 2.






Kim il-Sung Wants to Talk! - McKana - 444 Prophecy News

Kim il-Sung Wants to Talk! January 31, 2022 5:03 PM McKana January 31, 2022 Ecclesiastes 3:7 (KJV) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; The strings all over the world are getting tighter to the point of breaking.




대화하고 싶은 김일성!


맥카나-2022년 1월 31일 오후 5:03


2022년 1월 31일



전도자(전도서) 3장 7절

찢을 때가 있고 꿰맬 때가 있으며 조용할 때가 있고 말할 때가 있으며



전 세계의 줄이 끊어질 정도로 팽팽해지고 있습니다. 


모든 면에서 긴장이 고조되고 있습니다.


단어가 완전히 우크라이나와 러시아에 집중될 때 또 다른 냄비가 끓고 있습니다.


북한은 이번 달에만 많은 단거리 및 중거리 미사일을 시험했습니다.


미사일 연이어 발사했다는 뉴스를 보고 오늘 마지막 뉴스를 읽었습니다.


최근 뉴스에 따르면 “북한이 2017년 이후 처음으로 중거리 탄도미사일을 시험 발사했는데, 이는 지난달 7번째다.


미국과 한국 관리들은 이번 발사가 장거리 미사일이나 핵무기 실험을 완전히 재개하는 단계가 될 수 있다고 우려하고 있다”고 말했다.


이번 달에 북한이 첫 번째 미사일을 시험할 때, 


나는 주님으로부터 받은 꿈의 환상이 아주 분명하고 실제처럼 보였다는 것을 기억했습니다. 


몇 번이고 고민하다가 오늘까지 참았습니다.


이제 북한이 관심을 갖든 말든 그들이 들고 있는 것은 서쪽에서 동쪽으로 아메리카 대륙, 즉 서쪽에서 동쪽으로 모든 도시에 도달할 수 있는 치명적인 불입니다.


나는 북한의 미사일이 미국에 비를 내리는 것과 중서부의 우리 도시에 날아가는 2개의 미사일이 모두 이 사이트에 게시된 두 가지 분명한 비전을 보았습니다.


주님께서 세상을 경고하기 위해 나 같은 작은 사람들에게 어떻게 자신의 메시지를 보내시는지 보십시오. 


더 일찍 보냈어야 했는데 이 늦은 시간에도 그들의 화재로 인한 피해를 최소화할 수 있는 가능성이 있습니다. 


다음은 2022년 6월 8일에 녹음한 메시지입니다.



김, 그의 담배와 이야기하고 싶은 욕망!


(2019년 6월 8일 오전 8시 30분의 드림비전)


나는 상태도 기분도, 이것을 볼 생각도 없습니다. 나는 이것을 보기에 너무 피곤합니다.


김일성 주석이 내 앞에 탁자 위에 앉아 있습니다.


좋은 음식이 담긴 넓은 접시가 있습니다. 


내 앞에는 두 개의 접시가 있고 그 뒤에는 Kim과 그의 병사들이 있습니다.


왼쪽에 넓은 접시가 있고 오른쪽에 작은 접시가 있습니다.


왼쪽 접시에는 더 어두운 빵이 있고 오른쪽 접시에는 흰 빵이 있습니다.


그의 앞에 접시가 있습니다. 


손을 뻗어 빵을 스튜와 함께 먹으려 합니다.


그는 그늘진 빛 속에 앉아 있습니다. 


그는 내가 이해하지 못하는 언어로, 그리고 리더이자 친구처럼 말을 하기 시작했습니다. 


그는 말하고 있고 나는 그것이 현재의 "핵 위기"에 관한 것임을 감지했습니다.


그는 담배 상자에서 담배 두 개비를 꺼내 나에게 건넸습니다.


두 갑의 담배는 더 넓은 접시에 있는 내 앞의 빵에 떨어집니다.


그 중 2개는 앞면(담배의 타는 면, 필터가 있는 투명한 담배)에 떨어졌습니다.


나는 그에게 담배를 피우지 않고 음식에서 하나는 그대로 꺼내고 다른 하나는 필터가 접시 위 음식에 끼어 있다고 말했습니다. 


필터를 당겨서 모두 내 오른쪽에 두었습니다.


나는 식탁의 양쪽을 따라 날것 위에 앉아 있는 그의 등에 그의 병사들을 봅니다.


그들은 모두 짧은 머리를 가지고 있고, 모두 삭발하고, 젊고, 갱스터 같고, 진통 중인 것처럼 밝은 노란색 Kahiki 군용 천을 입고, 반팔 셔츠를 입고 편안합니다.


그가 말할 때 그들은 팔을 들고 박수를 치며 yeeeee!!!, yeeee!!!, 웃고 웃었습니다.


나는 그에게 당신이 말하는 것은 리더십 이야기이며 나는 평범한 사람이며 개인이라고 말했습니다.


그러더니 내 왼쪽 어깨 옆으로 다가와 내 말을 듣기 시작했습니다.


나는 그에게 내가 공산주의에 대해 알고 있다고 말했습니다. 


아주 잘 알고 있습니다. 


소련, 쿠바 등 그 철학을 따르는 작은 나라들이 겪었던 일을 생각하면 안된다고 강조했습니다.


그와 대화하는 동안 군인들은 그를 지지하고 반쯤은 나를 반대하는 반응을 보였습니다.




담배 란 무엇입니까? 미사일.


두 개의 담배-A 우호적인 제안, 두 미사일 모두 폭발


먹방 파티 끝!


Kim은 대화할 수 있는 친구인 Dennis Rodman이 필요합니다.


김일성은 현재의 위기에 대처할 중재자, 외교관이 필요합니다.


Kim은 친근하게 다가갑니다. 


그는 대화를 원합니다.


사실, 그는 불순종하는 나라에 대한 하나님의 심판의 일부입니다.


양측은 그것을 모릅니다.


정치, 외교, 인간과 그 누구도 해결책이 아닙니다. 


우크라이나도 마찬가지입니다. 


그것은 말세를 위한 하나님의 일입니다.



하나님의 생각이 서 있습니다. 회개하라! 회개하라! 회개하라!


뉴스 보기:-


분석: 한 달에 7번의 시험으로 북한, 세계에 미사일 수용 촉구



Analysis: With seven tests in a month, North Korea calls for world to accept its missiles

North Korea's unusually active month of missile testing appears aimed in part at securing global acceptance of its sanctioned weapons programmes, analysts said, whether through concessions or simply winning tired acquiescence from a distracted world.



미국, 북한이 핵 및 ICBM 시험에 복귀할 수 있다고 우려하고 대화 촉구




U.S. worried North Korea could return to nuclear and ICBM tests, urges dialogue

The United States is concerned North Korea's escalating missile tests could be precursors to resumed tests of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, a senior U.S. official said on Sunday, while urging Pyongyang to join direct talks with n




Kim il-Sung Wants to Talk!


JANUARY 31, 2022 5:03 PM-MCKANA


January 31, 2022


Ecclesiastes 3:7 (KJV)
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;


The strings all over the world are getting tighter to the point of breaking. The tension is rising in all fronts. When the word is totally focused on Ukraine and Russia, another pot is boiling. North Korea has tested many short and an intermediate range missiles just in this month. I saw the news about the consecutive test of missiles and read the last news today. The recent news says “On Sunday North Korea tested an intermediate-range ballistic missile for the first time since 2017, its seventh test in the past month. U.S. and South Korean officials say they fear the launch could be a step toward fully resuming tests of its longest-range missiles or nuclear weapons.”

When North Korea test the first missile this month, I remembered the dream-vision I received from the Lord, very clear, looks real. I thought about it a number of times and was holding it until today. Now, regardless of North Korea seeking attention or not, what they hold is a deadly fire which can reach the continent of America west to east cost, i.e to every city from west to east. I have seen two clear visions where the missiles from North Korea rain on America and two missiles flying on our city in Midwest, all posted on this site.

See how the Lord sends his message to the little people like me to warn the world. I should have sent it out earlier and even at this late hour, there is a chance the damage from their fire can be minimized. Here is the message as I recorded it on June 8, 2022.Kim, his cigarettes and the desire to talk!(DREAM-VISION OF JUNE 8, 2019 8:30AM)

I am in no condition or mood or thought of seeing this. I am too tired to see this.

Kim iL-Sung, the North Korean leader is sitting in front of me on a table. There is a wide plate with good food. There are two plates in front of me with Kim and his soldiers behind him. There is a wider plate to the left and a smaller plate to the right. The left plate has darker bread, the right one has white bread. He has a plate in front of him. I am about to eat stretching my hand, rolling the bread with the stew. He is sitting in a shady light. He started speaking to me in a language I don’t understand and with the tone of a leader but as well as a friend. He is talking and I sensed it is about the current “Nuclear crisis.” He took out two cigarettes from his cigarette box and gave it to me. The two cigarettes fall on the bread in front of me on the wider plate. Two of them landed on the front side(the burning side of the cigarette, while it is a clear cigarette with filters). I told him I don’t smoke pulled out one of the cigarette from the food intact, the other, the filter is stuck in the food on the plate. I pulled the filter and put them all on the my right side.

I see his soldiers on his back sitting on a raw along the two sides of a dinning table. They all have short hairs, all shaved, young, gangster like, wearing light yellow Kahiki military cloth like they are on labor, short sleeve shirts and at ease. When he was speaking, they applauded raising their arms and saying yeeeee!!!, yeeee!!!, smiling and sort of funny. I told him, what you are speaking is a leadership talk, I am an ordinary person, an individual. Then, he came close to me on my left hand side, by my shoulder and started listening to me. I told him I know about communism, I know it very well. I stressed saying, considering what the soviet union, Cuba and other smaller countries following the philosophy has gone through, it doesn’t work. In the middle of my conversation with him, the soldiers reacted in support of him and sort of half opposing me.


What are cigarette-The missiles.
Two cigarette-A friendly offer, both missiles blasted
On the food-means party over!
Kim needs Denis Rodman, a friend he can talk to.
Kim iL-Sung needs a mediator, a diplomat to deal with the current crisis.

Kim is approached friendly-He wants to talk.
The truth is, he is part of the judgment of God for a disobedient nation. Both sides don’t know it. Politics, diplomacy, man and no one is the solution, the same with Ukraine. It is the workings of God for the end of times.

The thoughts of God stands.
Repent! Repent! Repent!




혈병 (블러드 페스트)

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