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예언의 말씀: 요나의 교훈

by 파란앗싸 2022. 2. 3.





PROPHETIC WORD: LESSONS FROM JONAH - My Hiding Place - 444 Prophecy News

PROPHETIC WORD: LESSONS FROM JONAH February 2, 2022 1:22 AM My Hiding place https://youtu.be/4TQGTePKW44 Shared Jan.7, 2021 It’s been a few days that the Lord has been laying on my heart the story of Jonah. There are many lessons we can draw from this bo







예언의 말씀: 요나의 교훈


나의 은신처-2022년 2월 2일 오전 1시 22분


2021년 1월 7일 공유


주님께서 요나의 이야기를 내 마음에 담은지 며칠이 되었습니다.


우리는 이 책에서 많은 교훈을 얻을 수 있습니다. 


그러나 내가 그것을 읽으면서 성령님께서 이 이야기에서 나에게 정확히 무엇을 나누기를 원하셨는가를 진정으로 여쭈었습니다.


요나 1장 1~2절

(YHUH)יהוה의 말씀이 아밑타이의 아들 요나에게 있었다.

"일어나 그 큰 성(城) 니느붸로 가서 그곳에다 외쳐라. 참으로 그들의 악이 내 앞에 올라왔다."


내가 주목하고 싶은 첫 번째 항목은 주님께서 요나에게 이 메시지를 주신 이유입니다.


니느붸는 곧 심판과 멸망으로 인도하는 사악한 상태에 이르렀습니다.


(YHUH)יהוה께서는 니느붸 사람들을 사랑하셨고 그들이 멸망하는 것을 원치 않으셨습니다.


그래서 그분은 요나에게 회개의 메시지를 전하도록 임명하여 이 사람들이 일을 바로잡을 기회를 갖도록 하기로 결정하셨습니다.


우리 시대에 주님은 심판을 내리기 전에 악에서 회개하는 메시지를 전함으로써 같은 방식으로 그분의 백성에게 다가가기 위해 많은 종들을 사용하셨습니다.


이미 홍수가 시작되어 물이 스며들고 있습니다. 보셨나요? 느끼셨나요?



요나 1장 9~10절

그가 그들에게 말하였다.ㅜ"저는 이브리인입니다. 바다와 육지를 만드신 하늘의 하나님 (YHUH)יהוה를 저는 경외합니다."
그 사람들이 크게 두려워하며 그에게 말하였다. "당신이 무엇을 행했소!" 
이는 그가 (YHUH)יהוה 앞으로부터 도망했다는 것을 그들에게 전하여 그 사람들이 알았기 때문이었다.



여기에서 선원들은 이 폭풍이 영적인 문제, 이 경우에는 하나님께 대한 불순종 때문에 발생한 것임을 인식했습니다.


그래서 그들은 육체적으로 이것을 싸우려고 하는 대신에 요나의 말을 듣고 그를 바다에 던졌습니다.


예, 선원들은 본능에서 문제를 가볍게 하기 위해 물리적 수단을 시도했습니다.


그러나 그들이 잘못된 수단으로 전투를 벌이고 있다는 것을 깨닫기까지는 그리 오랜 시간이 걸리지 않았습니다.


우리는 현재 중대한 영적 전쟁을 하고 있습니다.


날마다 하나님의 전신갑주를 입고 무릎을 꿇고 싸워야 합니다.


그러나 우리 중 일부는 우리가 알고 있는 다른 수단, 즉 영적 수단 대신 물리적 수단을 사용하여 이 문제와 싸우려고 노력했습니다.


안 되는 일을 그만두고 육신이 아닌 하나님의 영이 이끄는 대로 의롭게 싸우라는 말씀입니다.



요나 2장 3(2)절

그가 말하였다. "제가 고통 중에서 (YHUH)יהוה께 부르짖었더니 (YHUH)יהוה께서 제게 응답하셨습니다. 쉬올의 뱃속에서 제가 도움을 청했더니 당신께서 제 소리를 들으셨습니다.



요나는 호기심 많은 캐릭터입니다.


주님의 종으로서 니느붸 사람들에게 하나님의 말씀을 전하도록 택함을 받은 그는 주님의 명령을 무시하고 완전히 반대 방향인 다시스를 향하여 완전히 다른 여정을 시작하기로 결정했습니다.


그의 불순종에 따라 요나는 자신을 삼킨 큰 물고기의 뱃속에서 3박 3일을 보냈습니다.


두 번째 기회를 주신 하나님께 감사드립니다!


요나가 물고기 뱃속에서 (YHUH)יהוה께 기도하자 (YHUH)יהוה께서는 요나가 니느붸 해변에 편리하게 침을 뱉어주셔서 마침내 (YHUH)יהוה의 말씀을 전할 수 있게 하셨습니다.


주님은 오늘 이 메시지를 붙잡고 당신과 함께 떠나도록 당신의 은혜를 베풀고 계십니다.


그분의 임재 안에서 시간을 보내십시오.


그분은 당신과 함께 나누고 싶어 하는 많은 것들, 당신에게 계시하고 싶은 비밀, 당신에게 아낌없이 주고 싶은 선물이 있습니다. 


순종하여 하나님의 긍휼과 두 번째 기회를 잡으십시오.



요나 3장 7~8절

그리고 그가 니느붸에 부르짖어 말하였다. 왕과 왕의 큰 자들의 칙령에 따라 말하였다.

"사람과 가축과 소 떼와 양 떼는 어떤 것도 먹으면(직역-맛보면) 안 된다.

먹지도 말아야 하고 물을 마시지도 말아야 한다. 사람이나 가축이나 베옷을 입고 하나님께 강하게 외쳐야 한다.

그리고 각 사람은 자기 악한 길과 자기 손의 폭력에서 돌아와야 한다.



니느붸 성은 요나의 메시지를 어떻게 받아들였습니까?


그들은 그것에 대해 무엇을 했습니까?


이것이 가장 큰 교훈이라고 생각합니다.


나는 상황의 심각성을 인식했을 뿐만 아니라 회개하고 죄에서 돌이켜 그에 맞서 싸울 적절한 수단을 제시한 니느붸 왕이 이 문제를 처리한 방식에 완전히 흥분합니다.


(YHUH)יהוה께서 땅을 굽어보시고 여전히 그 땅과 그의 백성 중에 많은 악이 있음을 보셨느니라.


그리고 그분이 우리의 마음을 그분께로 향하게 해달라고 여러 번 시도하셨음에도 불구하고, 여전히 그분의 두 번째 기회를 잡고 회개해야 하는 사람들이 너무 많습니다.


(YHUH)יהוה는 은혜로우시며 자비로우시며 노하기를 더디하시며 사랑이 크시나 또한 의로우신 재판관이시니라.


그분의 관대함을 남용하지 말고 외부의 '고요함'에 속지 마십시오. 


그의 심판이 시작되었기 때문입니다.


지난 몇 주 동안 우리는 국가 내에서 극적인 변화를 목격했습니다. 


폐쇄 증가, 사람들이 체포되고, 목사에게 벌금이 부과되고, 100.신.이 출시됩니다.


이것이 오는 이유를 이해합니까? 


어느 시점에서 우리는 우리 땅에서 이 심판을 뒤집을 기회를 가졌을 수도 있습니다. 


하지만, 우리는 이제 돌아갈 수 없는 지점을 지났습니다.


시간을 내서 지체하지 말고 하나님의 마음에 가까이 하고 마음을 정결케 하며 삶을 거룩하게 하고 날마다 하나님의 전신갑주를 입으십시오.


삶의 분주함을 내려놓고 전능하신 분 앞에서 영혼을 진정시키십시오.


내 말 듣고 있나요? 그물을 버리고 예수님을 따르십시오!


왜 상황이 점점 더 나빠지려고 합니까?


솔직하게 자문해 봅시다. 


만약 예수님이 오늘 밤 재림하신다면 우리는 그분과 함께 갈 준비가 되어 있습니까?


진실되고 정직하게 대답할 수 있도록 자신을 돌아보는 시간을 갖도록 합시다.


우리는 주님께 우리의 죄를 용서해 주시고, 우리를 정결하게 하시고, 눈처럼 순결하게 해 달라고 간구했습니까?


상황이 계속 악화됨에 따라 두려움이 지배하게 두지 마십시오.


너희 속에 있는 권세를 하늘 아버지께 붙잡아 두려워하는 영을 꾸짖고 결박하여라.


예수님을 무덤에서 부활시키신 동일한 능력이 우리가 예수님을 마음에 영접하면 우리 안에 거한다는 것을 잊지 마십시오.


상황이 더 나빠지면 원하는 대로 예수님을 계속 신뢰하십시오.


깨어 있으십시오. 


그분에게 초점을 맞추고, 성령의 음성에 주의를 기울이고, 영원한 반석 위에 발을 딛으십시오.


스승님은 거룩하신 하나님 앞에서 길을 잃고 그의 영에 휩싸입니다.


금식하며 감사하는 마음으로 아버지의 보좌에 가까이 나아가 사랑하는 이들과 우리 나라와 전 세계 사람들의 구원을 간구하십시오.


니느붸 왕과 같이 금식을 선포하고 모든 사람이 근심하게 하고 애통하게 하여 주께서 그 심판을 가볍게 하실 것을 바라고 합시다.


캐나다(그리고 나머지 세계)가 예수님을 위해 무릎을 꿇고 회개한다면 우리는 나머지 재난에서 구원받을 것입니다.


그 대신, 많은 사람들이 넓은 길을 걷기로 선택하고 예수님을 마음의 왕좌에 다시 앉히기 전에 큰 시험을 받을 것입니다.


주님은 재난이 더할 때 우리를 도우소서. 


그때에는 고통이 너무 커서 앞으로 일어날 일에 대해 우리를 준비시킬 수 있는 것이 아무것도 없을 것이기 때문입니다.


주님은 꿈에 다시 나에게 “나팔을 불어라!”라고 말씀하셨습니다. 


그리고는 북쪽에서 맹렬하게 다가오는 기차를 보여주었습니다. 


꿈 속 내 주변은 온통 어두웠습니다. 


느낄 수 있는 어둠이었습니다.


이 글을 읽고 있는 여러분 모두가 기도로 그것을 주님께 가져가서 여러분이 처한 상황에 대해 성령님께서 밝혀 주시기를 간구합니다.


예수님의 권세를 사용하여 당신의 삶에 맴도는 나쁜 영들을 꾸짖고 결박하여 예수님의 피가 당신을 깨끗하게 하도록 하십시오.




찬양들(시편)139장 23~24절

하나님, 저를 조사하셔서 제 마음을 아십시오. 저를 시험하셔서 제 염려들을 아십시오.

חקרני אל ודע לבבי בחנני ודע שרעפי


제 안에 고통의 길이 있는지 보시고 저를 영원한 길로 인도하십시오.

וראה אם דרך עצב בי ונחני בדרך עולם



찬양들(시편) 89장 16(15)절

환호를 아는 백성은 행복하니, (YHUH)יהוה시여, 당신 얼굴의 빛 안에서 그들이 걸어갑니다.


필맆포 성도들에게(빌립보서)4장 7절

모든 마음을 능가하는 하나님의 평화가 하마쉬아흐 예슈아 안במשיח ישוע에서 여러분의 마음과 생각을 지키실 것입니다.

ושלום אלהים הנשגב מכל שכל ינצר את לבבכם ואת מחשבותיכם במשיח ישוע

ܘܫܠܡܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܗܘ ܕܪܒ ܡܢ ܟܠ ܡܕܥ ܢܢܛܪ ܠܒܘܬܟܘܢ ܘܡܕܥܝܟܘܢ ܒܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܀








Shared Jan.7, 2021

It’s been a few days that the Lord has been laying on my heart the story of Jonah. There are many lessons we can draw from this book. But as I read through it, really asking the Holy Spirit what exactly He wanted me to share from this story, here’s what He gave me.

Jonah 1:1-2
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come before me.”

The first item I would like to draw your attention is to the reason why the Lord gave Jonah this message. Nineveh had reached a state of WICKEDNESS that it was leading it straight toward judgment and destruction. The Lord loved the people of Nineveh and didn’t want them to perish. So, He resolved to assigning to Jonah to go deliver His message of repentance so these people would have a chance to make things right.

In our days, the Lord has used many of His servants to reach His people in the same manner by delivering messages of repentance from wickedness before sending His judgment. The flood has already begun and water has been seeping in. Have you seen it? Have you felt it?

Jonah 1:9-10
He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land.” This terrified them and they asked, “What have you done?”

Here, the sailors had recognized that this storm had occurred because of a spiritual matter, in this case disobedience to God. So, instead of trying to fight this in the physical, they listened to Jonah and threw him overboard. Yes, the sailors did try physical means to lighten up the issue out of their instincts. But it wasn’t long before they realized they were fighting the battle with the wrong means.
We are currently fighting a major spiritual battle. Our method should be to daily put on the full armor of God and to battle on our knees. But some of us, have taken it upon ourselves to try to fight this with other means we know how – physical means instead of spiritual ones. This is a reminder to stop trying things that are not going to work and to fight the right way being led by the Spirit of God and not by our flesh.

Jonah 2:2
He said: “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.”

Jonah is a curious character. As a servant of the Lord, being chosen to deliver God’s word to the people of Nineveh, He made the decision to ignore the command of the Lord and instead embark on a totally different journey toward Tarshish – in the completely opposite direction. Following his disobedience, Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a big fish who swallowed him. Thank God for second chances! As Jonah prayed to the Lord, inside the belly of the fish, the Lord allowed him to be conveniently spit out on the shore of Nineveh so he could finally deliver the Lord’s message.

The Lord is extending His grace today to grab a hold of this message and come away with Him. Spend time in His presence. There are so many things He wants to share with you, mysteries He wants to reveal to you, gifts He wants to lavish upon you. Let’s be obedient and take a hold of God’s mercy and His second chance.

Jonah 3:7-8
Then he (the king), issued a proclamation in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let any man or beast, herd or flock, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.

How did the city of Nineveh perceive Jonah’s message? What did they do about it? This, I believe, is the biggest lesson. I’m completely excited with the way this was handled by the king of Nineveh who not only recognized the severity of the situation but also the proper means to fighting against it- by repenting and turning away from sin.

The Lord has looked down upon the earth and has noticed much wickedness still in the land, and among His people. And despite His several attempts of asking to turn our hearts towards Him, there are far too many who still need to grab a hold of His second chance and repent. Although, the Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, He is also a righteous judge. Don’t abuse His generosity and don’t let the ‘calm’ outside fool you. For His judging has begun.

Within the past few short weeks, we have witnessed dramatic changes within our nation: increased lockdowns, people being arrested, pastors being fined, vaccine being rolled out. Do we understand why this is coming? At one point, we may have had the chance to overturn this judgment from our land. But, we’re now past that point of no return. Do not delay in making time to draw near the heart of God, purify your hearts, consecrate your lives, and put on the full armor of God daily. Drop the busyness of life and calm your soul in the presence of the Almighty.
Are you hearing what I am saying? Drop your nets and follow Jesus!

Why are things about to go from bad to worse? Let’s be honest and ask ourselves: if Jesus was to return tonight would we be ready to go with Him? Let’s take time to examine ourselves to truthfully and honestly be able to answer. Have we asked the Lord to forgive us our sins, to purify us, to make us pure like snow?

As things continue to escalate, do not let fear take over. Take a hold of the authority that is in you, by Our Heavenly Father, rebuke and bind the spirit of fear. Don’t forget that the same power that rose Jesus from the grave dwells inside us once we accept Jesus into our hearts. When things become uglier, as they will, keep your trust on Jesus. Remain alert, focused on Him, feet planted on the Rock Eternal, heeding to the Holy Spirit’s voice. Master getting lost in the presence of our Holy God and be engulfed by His Spirit. Fast and with thanksgiving approach the throne of the Father pleading for the salvation of your loved ones, our country and those around the world.

Let’s be like the king of Nineveh and make a proclamation of fasting and have everyone grieving and mourning in the hope that the Lord would lighten up His judgment. If Canada (and the rest of the world) was to get on its knees for Jesus and repent, we would be spared from the rest of the calamities. Instead, many will choose to walk through the wide path and will be greatly tested before they put Jesus back on the throne of their hearts. Lord help us when the calamities increase. For then there will be much distress, so much that nothing could prepare us for what is going to unfold.

The Lord spoke to me in a dream again saying, “Blow the horn!” Then He showed me a train heading from the North fiercely approaching. All around me in the dream was dark – a darkness that could be felt.

I pray that each of you that are reading this will take it to the Lord in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things pertaining to your situation. Use Jesus’ authority to rebuke and bind any bad spirits you may feel hovering over your life and let Jesus’ blood cleanse you.

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 89:15
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.






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